
The outbreak of coronavirus throughout the world has changed the way we live and created the need for a new normal. 12-Ways-to-Stay-On-Top-of-Energy-Bills-with-Plumbing-Service-While-Sheltering-in-Place-_-Jacksonville,-FLUntil COVID-19 is entirely under control — most likely when a vaccine is introduced — we’ll likely be following social distancing measures. One of the most annoying consequences of spending more time within the home is the increase in energy bills. You’ll be using utilities more than usual and therefore spending more money while potentially earning less.

In some cases, you may require assistance from a plumbing service like Bert Norman’s Plumbing to help make your home as energy-efficient as possible. If you’re in Jacksonville, FL, call us today at 904-686-8611.

1. Turn Off the Faucet When Washing Hands

It’s one of those things that most people are aware that they should do, but rarely remember to. As far as energy saving, most people aren’t washing their hands correctly. If you’re following the guidelines from the CDC to wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, well done! It’s helping to slow the spread of the virus, taking some strain off the health service and saving lives. However, always remember that water is a precious resource.

When washing your hands, the water should only flow twice. Once at the beginning, to build up the lather, and once at the end to rinse. If you wash your hands eight to 10 times per day, you alone could be wasting up to six gallons of water every day. And remember, that’s six gallons for each member of your household! You’ll instantly notice a significant reduction in your energy bills if you make this simple change — and you don’t even need to call in the help of a service!

2. Unplug Electronics When You’re Not Using Them

Most electronic devices use electricity even when they’re not switched on, especially if they have a standby feature. Chargers, stereos, TVs, computers and consoles are trickling your money down the drain every time you leave them plugged into the outlet. You might think it’s such a small amount that it doesn’t matter, but over time and across the extensive range of devices we all have now, it seriously adds up.

Always check around the house for things that are plugged in but not in use — from computers to lamps, there are probably more savings to be made that you realized!

3. Never Boil More Water Than You Need

It’s another one that seems obvious but sees loads of water, and therefore money, go down the drain every day. Each time you fill the kettle for a coffee or tea, make sure you’re only boiling what you need. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself with a pot full of limescale and sky-high energy bills.

4. Only Wash a Full Load of Dirty Clothes

You can cut water consumption significantly by only using the washing machine when you can make sure it’s at capacity. Even if your machine has a half load function, it uses considerably more than half the amount of water of a full wash. Again, it’s a change that seems minor but over time, adds up to equal serious savings. If your washing machine isn’t functioning properly, call in the help of a reputable plumbing service to assess the problem and fix it.

5. Use a Dishwasher or Bowl to Wash Dishes

If you live in a single household, we recommend using a bowl full of water to wash the dishes in. Using free-flowing water for this job is a surefire way to spend more than you should on water. Larger households will save money by investing in a dishwasher. You may require a plumbing service to install a new dishwasher or repair the old one to ensure it’s as energy-efficient as possible.

6. Time Your Showers

Technically, a shower uses less water than a bath — but only if you don’t stand under it for inordinate amounts of time!

7. Never Use the Toilet as a Trash Can

Remember, the toilet isn’t a trash can! There are only three things that should go down the toilet: water, toilet paper and human waste. Toilet paper dissolves almost instantly when immersed in water, unlike any other type of paper. Additionally, on top of being a nuisance to the environment, you’ll spend more money on the extra water used to flush foreign objects down the bowl. If your toilet in Jacksonville, FL, needs unblocking, you might need a plumbing service to come and help you out.

8. Fix All Leaking Taps

You know that tap that drips every 30 seconds, and it’s okay because you’re used to it now? Call in a plumbing service to fix it immediately! It might look like a tiny amount of water because it’s leaking so slowly, but over days, weeks and months, it adds up to gallons and puts a strain on your pocket.

11. Look for Leaks

While it’s not the most glamorous way to spend your time, lockdown presents you with an opportunity to scope out any leaks in your plumbing. Hairline fractures on your pipes could lead to even more water waste than leaking taps, and you can’t see or hear those. One of the most cost-effective things you can do in the current situation is to find those leaks and get them fixed by a skilled plumbing service.

12. Flush Less

The average toilet flush uses more than three gallons of water every single time! Armed with this knowledge, you might consider flushing the toilet as often as you have been. You can get flushers installed that let you control how much water you use each time. Speak to a plumbing service about getting this type of flush for your toilet.

Plumbing Services

If you think your home requires the help of a plumbing service to make sure you’re spending as little on your energy bills as possible, call Bert Norman’s Plumbing today at 904-686-8611.

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Unwanted leaks and drips could contribute to about 10% of your water bills if not immediately attended to by a professional plumber. If not repaired or replaced, they could even cost you more money.

Plumber-Tips--10-Effective-Ways-to-Save-on-Water-Bill-_-Fernandina,-FLOther plumbing-related issues such as having an inefficient washer or showerheads also contribute to your bills as they use a great amount of water. Thankfully, you can fix these by either replacing them or installing new ones. Always call a professional when you need help; do not attempt to do them on your own.

When a plumbing problem is fixed, you don’t get skyrocketing water bills and you can save money. Below are other ways to effectively conserve water at home and save on your utility bills.

1. Buy Energy Efficient Appliances

When acquiring a new washing machine, find out the amount of water it uses per load. If possible, look for the Energy Star seals on the label or WaterSense. These types of machines usually use 50% less water per load. They are a bit more expensive than the regular washers but it should give you massive savings in the long run.

When washing, do make sure that you have a full load. And you may want to skip an additional rinse to save up to 5 gallons of water. To avoid more rinses, just use less detergent powder.

2. Repair Leaks

A professional plumber in Fernandina, FL should be able to help you fix these leaks. You can have regular maintenance with a plumber so they can check the pipes for leaks and other problems that might contribute to water loss. Another option would be to do the inspection yourself. Call a plumber right away if you think there is a problem.

You may think that a small leak isn’t really much — this is not true. Leaks on a running toilet could cost you gallons of water down the drain. So call a plumber if you suspect that you have a plumbing problem.

3. Load Up the Dishwasher

As much as possible, use the dishwasher only when it’s fully loaded to conserve more water. If you do not have a dishwasher, buy a basin for washing the dishes. You can conserve more with a basin than washing the dishes while the tap is running.

4. Turn Off Shower

Make it a daily habit to turn on the shower only when you are actually using the water for rinsing. If you are trying to shampoo or condition your hair, always turn it off. Switch it on only when you are ready to rinse your hair. If everyone in your family does this simple habit, you could save on your water bill.

Another option would be to reduce the number of minutes that you use the shower. Instead of taking a shower for 15 minutes, perhaps you could reduce it to 10 minutes.

Do the same while brushing your teeth. Turn off the faucet and use a rinsing glass instead.

5. Install Low-flush Toilets and Showerheads

Low toilets are a little expensive but they can greatly reduce your water usage. As opposed to the full flush toilets, low-flow use less water per flush. This can result in bigger savings in your water bills.

A low-flow showerhead can also reduce the amount of water by about 50%. Call a plumber to assist you with the best options for your toilets and showerheads.

6. Add Aerators to the Faucets

If you do not know what an aerator is or how to add this to the faucet, call a plumber in the area to assist you with this.

Aerators are usually attached to the faucet to reduce the amount of water that comes out. At the same time, it also increases water pressure.

7. Install a Tankless Water Heater

A tankless heater is a little more expensive but it’s efficient. It only heats water when you need it and it heats faster. Definitely one of the best options to save on your water bills.

8. Install a Smaller Bathtub or Skip it

An average bathtub needs about 35 gallons of water. Expect skyrocketing water bills if you keep using this every time you take a bath. Your options would be to install a smaller bathtub and use it only a few times a month, or completely skip using it and take the shower instead.

9. Replace Toilet Flapper Once a Year

Call a plumber to help you out with this. A newer flapper could help you save a lot on your water bill. Another option would be to replace it with an adjustable flapper so you can control the amount of water that you use for flushing.

10. Collect Rainwater

Save bills by collecting rainwater and use it for either cleaning the cars or watering the plants. You can also use this for cleaning the driveway or the outer area of your homes.

Follow our tips for saving water to see significant changes in your bills. Remember that small changes will add up to massive savings in a year.

Contact Bert Norman’s Plumbing, Inc in Fernandina, FL

If you need a plumber to assist you with repairing leaks, installing a tankless water heater, or any plumbing-related problem, get in touch with Bert Norman’s Plumbing, Inc. They are available 24/7! They have been in the industry for several years and all are highly competent to carry out the job. Every appointment matters to them — they always overdeliver!

A few services they offer include unclogging your drains, garbage disposal, shower pans and faucet replacements, water heater installation, repipes, plumbing inspections, bathroom remodeling, and other plumbing services. They will be happy to assist you with whatever plumbing-related dilemma that you have.

Your exceptional plumbing service is just a call away. Contact them today for an appointment!

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Spring is the best season to give your home a little brush up. The cold weather slowly fades out. The sun, hot temperatures, a light breeze are some of the joys that come with this season of the year. Call-a-Plumber-for-a-Spring-Inspection-_-Jacksonville,-FLBefore you start planning out for the summer vacations, you should think what repairs are necessary for your property. The harsh weather of the winter and the elements of nature tend to wear out the exterior of the property. Leaves block the storm drains, pipes are stressed from icing, and waste tanks reach their capacity. By calling a plumber to run a check in your house’s plumbing system, you ensure that during the summer season you won’t have to deal with unexpected breakdowns and emergency plumbing. House owners are already preparing their house for the hot weather of the summer. As with every other household, you will notice that during the hotter seasons of the year you use more water. Pool pumps, garden sprinklers and water cooling systems are all connected to your house plumbing system. If your house is not in a proper shape, you may find yourself in the middle of a water outage, which can ruin your retreat plans during the summer. In this post, you will find out what are the top reasons to call for a plumber.

Valves and Hoses

A usual reason for having a flood or a severe leak is due to valves and hoses that are in poor operating shape and are malfunctioning. A lot of households call for emergency plumbing due to a fault with the drain hose of the washing machine, which can cause the facility room to flood with water. Plumbers also have to deal with serious leaks caused by a wrongly installed stopping valve. As the name suggests, the stopping valve is used to block a pipe that is no longer needed. If those valves are not regularly inspected by a qualified technician, you may end up with a leak. A deficiency in your house’s plumbing system can inflate your utility bills.

Pipe Replacement

Pipes are an essential part of the house’s plumbing as it allows water to flow in and out of your property. Pipes are usually hidden away below the floor and inside the walls in order to protect them from accidental damage. It is easy to miss a check in your property’s pipes as they will work normally until there is a problem. The catch with this is that when there is a problem, you may notice a disruption and some of your plumbing facilities may cease to work completely. If you suspect that one or more of the house pipes are wearing out or there is a leak, you should check with your local professional on what is the best way to sort the problem out. Once an initial inspection is completed, the technician will advise on whether the pipelines are in good condition or a repiping is required. Since the majority of the pipes are located in places that are difficult to access, your plumber will remove the defective pipe and install a brand-new one. Once this is completed, the technician will make a couple of leak checks to find out whether the pipe is correctly installed.

Drain Cleaning Service

Keeping the drains clean of obstructions is absolutely vital. Wastewater uses large sewage pipes to flow out of the house. If your house is using the sewage network, it is worth calling a plumber on a regular basis to unclog the pipes. Clogging can build up in every part of your plumbing network. From a plumber’s view, clogs are almost unavoidable as grease, hair, food, particles and foreign objects can enter the system and contaminate the network. A pro can easily clear those blockages by using specific tools. Although there are chemicals available for cleaning the drain, you may end up corroding your pipelines if you don’t use the right type of drain cleaner.

Septic Tank Cleaning

If your house is equipped with a septic tank, it is important to keep up with regular cleaning and inspection services. A septic tank offers great benefits as it is independent of the sewage network and helps you keep the utility bills in check. However, if the septic tank is not regularly cleaned, it may cause a sewage leak which can ruin your garden for weeks. The tank is buried in the outer part of the house’s garden in a place called drainfield. You should ensure that you don’t place any heavy objects directly above the field as it may stress the sewage system below which can rapture. It is also a good idea to regularly clean the drainfield from any foreign objects such as leaves, tree cloves and soil which can accidentally contaminate your septic tank. Should you notice a puddle of water inside the drainfield or any foul smell emanating from the drain pipes, seek the advice of your plumber.

Storm Drains

Next time you invite the plumber around for maintenance, make sure that you have the storm drains inspected. Despite being a passive part of the plumbing system, external drains are very important and ensure that any rain water is safely driven away from your property. Drains in Jacksonville, FL, can be difficult to spot on your own as they are located in inaccessible parts of the house. During a storm, it is essential to have working drains, otherwise, the rain water may form a puddle in an unwanted area.

Stay Dry This Season

The only place that needs to be flooded this summer is your pool. By planning your plumbing maintenance in advance, you make sure that all the problems caused during the winter will be repaired before the summer starts. If you need the advice of a qualified plumber about your house, get in touch today with Bert Norman’s Plumbing, Jacksonville, FL, and sort your maintenance out.

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It’s estimated that 10 million homes across Florida have water service lines and some residents may not be familiar with maintenance about these service lines. Effective-Maintenance-Tips-from-a-Plumber-Every-Homeowner-Should-Know-_-Fernandina,-FL--Most homeowners in Fernandina, FL, experience plumbing problems, such as faucet leakages, busted water heaters, broken pipes, or clogged toilets, and end up spending hundreds of dollars in keeping up with replacements or repairs. Whether you’re a first time or long time homeowner, there are some essential tips that you should know about plumbing. Below are some important tips that homeowners should keep in mind all year-long.

Check Your Drainage

Your drainage system is an integral part of your homestead and clogging of the systems may cause damage to your home. Plumbing service providers advise homeowners to conduct external drainage inspections or reach out to plumbing companies to perform these assessments every three months. Also, every homeowner should look out for puddles that last longer than 24 hours, as they may be an indicator of a hitch in your drainage system.

The Outside Matters

Professional plumbers also advise that you should regularly check the weep holes to ensure that the walls and windows don’t retain water during rainy seasons. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) should also be checked at this regularity by tripping and resetting the circuit interrupters. If the circuits do not trip or reset, that is just the right moment to contact any Florida-based plumber who will diligently come to the rescue. Moreover, all exterior air vents should be cleaned and lubricated to ensure that air flows freely and small animals don’t enter your house. You may go a step further and adjust the timers on your sprinklers according to the season such that there won’t be too much or too little water per station.

Your Showerheads and Faucets Are Important

The bathroom of your home is a very intriguing part of your household because even though it is small, minor problems such as leaky showerheads and faucets can spur a lot of trouble in other plumbing aspects of your house. Therefore, you should have a plumber check on the quality and condition of your showerheads and faucets from time to time. It is during these checks that the plumber looks for any dripping by ensuring no water droplets are available when the handle is in the off position. Leaking faucets may seem harmless due to the minute size, although they have serious consequences, especially on your water utility bill.

Look Out for the Pipes

The piping connectivity of your home plays an important role in determining the effectiveness of other aspects of your plumbing system. For you to identify a problematic issue in your pipes, you may observe patches and even puddles on the ground or notice that the water pressure is very low yet you pay very high water bills. These give a clear indication that something is leaky inwardly. Problems with the piping system are quite hard to diagnose and repair hence the need to conduct frequent checks to avoid inconvenience. Also, whenever you spot a wet patch on the soil or a long-lasting puddle on your lawn, make sure that you contact a plumber so he could quickly identify the problematic region and fix it. However, if you ever require the service, homeowners can fix these problems by reaching out to professional plumbing companies based in the area.

The toilet is just as important as the kitchen, and as such, maintaining it is imperative. Common household problems associated with a poorly maintained toilet include a foul smell across the whole compound, and poor hygienic conditions that can ultimately lead to ailments. To avoid this, you can contact a plumber who may effectively handle your toilet plumbing maintenance issues, since ensuring that your toilet is clean and teaching your children how to use the toilet correctly may not be enough. Moreover, the one thing that they know can guarantee minimal problems with your toilet, is to avoid dumping anything that isn’t human waste down the toilet.

Water heaters are also important aspects of your plumbing system that need constant monitoring. Some plumbing professionals claim that the water heaters can typically serve you for more than a decade without even a standard check. However, experts in the plumbing industry advise that homeowners should empty their water heaters at least every six months, with the flushing happening more often for homes located in regions with hard water. If you fail to do this, you might have a real problem on your hands. This is because the tank continues to accumulate unwanted sediments that may lead to a pipe bursting, loss of water pressure, and eventual break-down of the tank.

The septic system is often overlooked, yet it is an essential aspect of any modern residential property. A good number of plumbing issues originate from the septic system that consists of a pipe that connects directly to the house, septic tank, drain field, and the soil. It serves as a garbage disposal unit thus making its maintenance all the more important, lest you will find your home drowning in filth. Professional plumbers primarily advise all homeowners to observe the limit stipulated for the tank, information you may receive through consulting with one. Also, you are warned against using facilities such as the toilet as a garbage disposal unit and emptying hot tubs into the septic system. The septic system’s operations are dependent on the volume of water inside the tank, thus it is important to regulate these levels.

Bert Norman’s Plumbing is a trusted plumbing service provider with quality plumbing tools and plumbers with unrivaled experience and expertise in serving the residents of Fernandina, FL, and surrounding areas. Its plumbers provide effective solutions to a myriad of plumbing issues, including drainage cleaning, faucet repair, and plumbing inspections.

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Plumbers are the undeniable doctors when it comes to water supply and drainage systems. Everything-You-Need-to-Know-About-Hiring-a-Plumbing-Service-_-Nassau-County,-FLWith years of intensive training in plumbing, they apply both academic and technical skills to provide solutions to all plumbing problems. Skills and experience are always the representation of a passionate company in delivering exceptional plumbing service. At Bert Norman’s Plumbing of Nassau County, FL, plumbing technicians have what it takes to ensure areas served receive plumbing service that meets set standards.

All competent plumbers should deliver service to both residential and commercial buildings while incorporating repairs, replacements, maintenance, and installation of different systems. Besides, the plumber should cut across various piping equipment such as in gas lines, sewer lines, and kitchen piping. For the provision of tremendous results, there are factors to consider when hiring professional plumbing technicians.

Factors to Consider Before Hiring a Professional Plumbing Service Technician

  • Qualifications

Like other professions, a professional plumbing staff must undergo vigorous training in academics and practicality while passing defined exams. After fulfilling all the requirements, they then apply for a practicing license, which puts them in the field. Plumbing technicians are then subjected to a vetting process, including background checks and reputation before being offered with a certification. Before hiring a plumber, check for the contractor’s license as well you can prove their legibility from the company.

  • Reputation

Reputation is a significant factor when hiring a professional plumber, especially in the delivery of quality services. Today, technology has simplified the process where you can readily perform background searches and learn from reviews of the plumbing service company you wish to hire. There are several websites on the internet consisting of critics and reviews of one or more plumbing companies within your area. You can also write a review after receiving the services for other potential customers.

  • Legal Compliance

Delivery of quality and unquestionable plumbing service are indicated by a contractor who fulfills all legal and regulatory conditions of the contract. Legal compliance is an essential factor to put in place to scrutinize the plumbing service company in terms of certification, insurance, license, and bound to the terms of work offered. Similar to learning the reputation of a plumber, also vet the plumbing company by using the state’s regulatory board.

  • Competence

Professional service delivery is the primary focus when hiring a plumbing service company in Nassau County, FL. The same is indicated by the expertise of the plumbing staff determined by technical proficiency, team management efficiency, experience, and quality of equipment used. Consider previous plumbing projects and clients the company has worked for before hiring them for your project. Also, check the mission and vision as they indicate the business value in the plumbing sector.

  • Contractual Terms of Operations

Plumbers should always have terms of work that include payments of the services they offer. Great plumbing service contractors should have flexible and straightforward payment programs while completing the work within the anticipated timeline. Other than fees and completion schedules, the company should have a solid communication strategy, often serving residents on a 24/7 basis. Others include warranties, operation policies, and quality consistency.

When to Hire a Plumbing Contractor

  • Low Water Pressure

When you open your shower, you expect to have moderate water pressure for a relaxing bath after a long day at work. However, it becomes disappointing when you find water pressure being low and not only in the shower but throughout the house. The problem can result from different factors such as blockages from debris or poor designs in the waterline. This, therefore, calls for a professional plumber to inspect the system and to provide in-depth analysis to determine the problem.

  • Too Hot or Cold Water

Water heaters are vital in homes for different purposes; therefore, the need to keep them well maintained. Unless there is a leakage, it is difficult to know the cause. Some of the common faults arising from electric heaters include problems in thermostats, blown fuses, or damages on overloaded switches. In this case, you may need the services of a plumbing team to repair or replace the system to keep it functioning correctly.

  • Blockages in Sewer Lines

This is one of the most delicate parts to make repairs in case of further damage when performed by an amateur. If a sewer line fails to back up, then it signifies a bad plug in the system. Tree roots are the most causes of this problem, and failure to seek professional assistance may lead to a total stoppage over time. It is advisable never to try do-it-yourself methods as you may induce more damages to the sewer line and the entire drainage system. It is, therefore, the best time to hire a plumber who can handle emerging issues if further damages are experienced.

  • Extensive Water Line Damages

Cold seasons often cause bursts and cracks on pipes for the resident of Nassau County, FL, and other areas. Such a problem may become wide-ranging and affect the entire line of water hence affecting water supply to your home or business. Some may choose to replace them by themselves, which consume more time and lead to the re-emergence of the problem within no time. This calls for a professional plumber to take care of the issue because the technician has a broader range of skills and experience in handling the problem with a guarantee of exceptional plumbing service.

Benefits of Hiring Professional Plumbing Technicians

As mentioned, professional plumbing technical guarantee delivery of quality services as they have years of experience in the industry and guarantee of work done. Also, plumbers understand the business and willing to utilize their knowledge and skills when working on piping problems. Before working, they provide insights into the problem, strategies to use, and solutions to their clients. Besides, this is their professional career and henceforth understands the ins and outs of plumbing.

Plumbing companies have up-to-date tools specialized for different uses both in residential and commercial buildings. The services rendered are of professional standards that follow all ethical codes to solve all your piping problems. Diagnosis and inspection of water and sewer lines are also among the benefits of hiring a Bert Normans Plumbing in Nassau County, FL, for the determination of problems from the source.

Most homeowners are smart enough to know that a toilet is not a trash can. The-10-Worst-Things-to-Flush-Down-Your-Toilet-_-Tips-from-Your-Trusted-Jacksonville,-FL-Plumbing-ServiceAfter all, if you try to flush most of your garbage down the toilet, you’re going to find yourself making a phone call to a Jacksonville, FL plumbing service in a rather short amount of time.

However, in this day and age, there are quite a few things that people think can be flushed that actually shouldn’t ever go down the toilet. You might get away with flushing a couple of these items once or twice, but if you do it regularly, you’re going to wreck your plumbing. A few of these items are so devastating for your pipes that even one time will require a plumber to come out and fix the damage. Here are some of the worst things to send down the toilet!

Flushable Wipes

Many people might be surprised to see these on here. After all, the name flushable is even part of the title! But just because something is advertised as flushable doesn’t mean that it’s meant to go down the toilet. The reason that toilet paper goes down the toilet without issue — and even it’s been known to clog a toilet if you use too much — is that after a few minutes, toilet paper will break down in water. Flushable wipes don’t break down, and they end up causing real problems in the sewers if you flush them. You might not need a plumber to rescue you from flushing these, but Jacksonville, FL and Duval County will certainly be feeling the negative effects of your decision if you send flushable wipes down the toilet.


It’s easy to make the mistake of accidentally letting one of these slip into the toilet and thinking that it’s no big deal. But they present the same problems as flushable wipes: they don’t break down. If you use the ones that are partially plastic, it’s even worse. Be careful not to toss these down the toilet, or you’ll cause a sewer blockage over time.

Menstrual Pads

This would fall under the category of “call a plumbing service” if you flush one. Think about it: the purpose of a menstrual pad is to absorb fluid when necessary. Why would you want something that absorbs fluid going into your pipes? It’s going to expand and cause a major blockage if one gets flushed.


Take everything that was just said about menstrual pads and multiply it. Diapers’ main purpose are to absorb wetness so that your baby’s skin doesn’t suffer from irritation as long as you change your baby quickly. Again, something that absorbs wetness going down your pipes is going to require you to call a Jacksonville, FL plumbing service to fix the damage.


This is another entry that might surprise you, but bleach causes damage to your pipes in a different manner than a clog. Bleach is a corrosive liquid, and if it doesn’t get flushed through your pipes promptly, it’s going to break down the glue in PVC pipes and cause a serious issue that requires calling a plumbing service for immediate attention. If you’d like to clean your toilet, use a specific toilet bowl cleaner, or toss some common white vinegar down your pipes. Vinegar is actually an excellent choice for cleaning your toilet, as it won’t cause any problems if it goes down your pipes.

Undigested Food

The same cannot be said for other kinds of food, however. Human waste obviously goes down the toilet without issue, but when food hasn’t had a chance to be digested, it causes real problems for your pipes. Unlike flushable wipes or diapers, food will eventually break down in your pipes and clear away, but the process takes so long that you’re likely going to have to call for a plumbing service long before that happens. Bottom line: if a human body hasn’t had a chance to break it down, it doesn’t belong in the toilet.


Have you ever heard that water is a renewable resource? Well, that becomes substantially less true if you’re putting medicine into the sewer system. Unlike other items on this list, medicine will break down when you flush it — but not all the way, and that’s a serious problem. The medicine will break down enough to toxify the water, costing Jacksonville, FL and other localities more money to properly clean it. Flushing medication won’t require you to call a plumbing service, but it’s still a very bad idea.

Pet Waste

Human waste goes down the toilet with no problem, so why not pet waste? Simple: cats and dogs’ waste dries out over time, and putting dried pet waste down the sewer is a major issue. Don’t think it will rehydrate and get through the pipes without any problems. It won’t, and you’ll likely be stuck calling a plumbing service for assistance.


Hair doesn’t break down in water. Hair expands in water by up to 30 percent, and when it’s surrounded by water, it doesn’t shrink back to its original size. Hair doesn’t belong in your shower drain, let alone your toilet’s pipes. Be sure to pluck it out of the drain and throw it away.


This might be the worst thing you can flush because of how damaging it is to your pipes. As grease cools, it solidifies, and you can probably see where this is going for your pipes. Under no circumstances should you ever flush grease of any kind down your toilet. If you do, there’s no maybe about it: you will be calling Bert Normans Plumbing for help because that’s the only way to fix the damage that grease causes.

What Can I Do?

Don’t flush anything that isn’t human waste or toilet paper down your toilet and always be sure not to use too much toilet paper for your toilet to handle. By restricting your flushing to those two items, you’ll do a lot for your pipes and keep them in top shape — and you’ll limit the amount of emergency calls you have to make to a Jacksonville, FL plumbing service, keeping that money free for things you really want to use it for, such as a new shower!

A well-maintained plumbing system ensures you have access to clean water. 9-Advantages-of-Plumbing-Inspections-by-a-Trusted-Plumber-_-Jacksonville,-FLA plumbing inspection by a professional is recommended to ensure you continue to have access to top-quality water. Regular inspections offer several benefits, not least of which is a lower risk of significant plumbing emergencies. A simple thing like a plumbing inspection can help to prevent a multitude of issues, as even a small leak can cause damage to your property.

Compared to fifty years ago, plumbing inspections are much less intrusive. There’s no digging, and modern technology such as flexible, waterproof, fiber-optic cameras used by Bert Norman Plumbing means that it’s possible to find any potential issues within your plumbing system quickly. If you’re worried about the intrusiveness of any inspections, a friendly Jacksonville, FL plumber from Bert Norman can put you at ease, and discuss any services that you require.

Plumbing inspections are a preventative measure that should be regularly carried out by a licensed plumber to ensure that a plumbing system is working as it should and that no plumbing issues present will cause more significant problems down the line. It’s not just about finding leaking pipes, systems are checked for several complications.

Jacksonville, FL plumbing inspectors will undertake the following:

  • Drain inspections
  • Kitchen plumbing inspections, including water flow and clog checks
  • Bathroom plumbing inspections, including running toilets
  • Mainline plumbing inspections, including clog checks using a drain camera
  • Drain line plumbing inspections
  • Water pressure checks
  • Fixtures, supply lines, and drain water flow checks
  • Old pipe inspections
  • Washing appliance checks
  • Air filtration system checks
  • Shut off valve inspections

As the saying goes, prevention is better than a cure, and a comprehensive plumbing inspection by a Jacksonville, FL plumber offers many advantages. Detecting a problem before it becomes a severe issue is a less expensive way to ensure the following:

  1. Improved Water Flow

Regularly maintained plumbing systems would typically be free of leaks, deposit buildups that may cause clogs, and other plumbing issues, thereby enabling your water flow to operate at peak level consistently. Preventative maintenance inspections by a plumber will clear any buildups that could cause slower water flow and improve water flow in systems that previously fell into disrepair.

  1. Reduced Water Bills

The water wasted by leaking pipes, running toilets, and washing appliances, will result in higher utility bills. A comprehensive inspection undertaken by a professional plumber will highlight any plumbing issues and fix the root cause of any wastage. This lowers your water bill to a level appropriate to water you’re typically using day-to-day in your Jacksonville, FL home.

  1. Longer Lifespan of Plumbing Systems

Regular inspections help your pipes to be leak-free and clog-free, which in turn makes them longer lasting. There’s no additional stress on your plumbing system, as pipes are not supporting the weight or destructive effect of mineral deposits and clogs. Detecting problems in their early stages prevents mineral deposits from having long-term effects on your plumbing system. A plumber can also improve the lifespan of water heaters and fixtures other than pipes.

  1. Fewer Repairs

Expensive plumbing repairs are often the result of smaller issues left unattended. Regular maintenance helps to reduce the likelihood of more costly repairs, as minor clogs and leaking pipes will be fixed in their infancy during plumbing inspections. Before they cause any real damage, Bert Norman Plumbing can highlight and remove any issues that could warrant more substantial repairs in the future.

  1. Fewer Plumbing Emergencies

The root cause of most plumbing emergencies is the buildup of hidden problems. Clogged drains that cause flooding can be devastatingly destructive, causing water leaks through ceilings that may affect electrics and damp carpets that need professional attention to clean thoroughly. They’re not only expensive to fix, considering all of the associated damages they can cause, they’re also inconvenient. The preventative nature of plumbing inspections helps to avoid situations like these.

  1. Increased Efficiency

An expert plumber can not only point out any problem areas within your existing system, but they can upgrade faulty fixtures to newer technology that can increase the efficiency of your home. More modern fixtures will improve water flow, and they can help your home to consume less energy, making your home more efficient.

  1. Healthier Water System

Ensuring a water tank is kept clean, and that pipes are free of mineral buildup will ensure that water quality is the best that it can be for your area. A plumbing inspection can eliminate any bacteria that can harm your health and remove the likelihood of standing water becoming a breeding ground for mold. Getting a plumbing service provider to inspect your water tanks, conduct checks, and implement minor fixes can go a long way to creating a water supply that’s healthy to drink.

  1. Better Air Quality

A knock-on effect that a leak from a faucet, pipe, or other fixture in your home can have on your home is that it increases the presence of mold and mildew. Mold likes to live in damp conditions and standing water caused by leaks are a prime breeding ground for it. Mold and mildew can hurt air quality in homes and be especially problematic for anyone that has asthma or other lung conditions. A plumbing company can improve the air quality in your home by fixing any leaks that are causing mold or mildew.

  1. Safer Home

Regular inspections of plumbing fixtures can avoid potentially harmful accidents. Ill-maintained water heaters experiencing excess pressure can cause scalding hot steam and water. Regularly maintaining your plumbing and water heating systems will make your home much safer.


It’s better to be proactive when it comes to your home’s plumbing than be reactive when a large-scale accident occurs. It’s much cheaper to employ a licensed, bonded, and insured plumber from Bert Norman’s Plumbing to undertake regular inspections than it is to hire a plumber to fix a large-scale problem caused by a slab leak, malfunctioning water heater, or a clogged drain.

No matter how helpful your septic tank pumping system is to your everyday life, they are often not very flattering The-Dos-and-Donts-of-Hiding-Your-Septic-Tank-_-Tips-from-Your-Trusted-Callahan,-FL-Septic-Tank-Pumping-Professionalwhen it comes to pretty landscaping. In order to make your grounds look more beautiful and hide your septic tank system, you will want to do your best to conceal your septic tank pumping system. These tips will help you hide your septic tank without bringing any harm to it.

Do Not Plant Trees Near It: A lot of people think that using trees on their property in Callahan, FL is a good way to disguise anything that is not attractive on their property like their septic tank pumping system. It is not a good idea to plant trees near your septic tank due to the fact that they can damage your system and upset its normal balance of working. You should never plant trees any closer than twenty-five feet away from your septic tank pumping system.

Grass is Not a Good Idea Either: Grass may seem like an easy and quick solution to hiding your septic tank pumping system. However, it is not a good idea to grow anything permanent on the top of your system. Every time that you need to have your system serviced or have routine maintenance done on it, you will have to dig up the grass. You should cover your tank up with something that can be easily moved when you need to move it.

Animals Need to Stay Away from Your Septic Tank System: Keep animals away from your septic system. If your dog goes too far down into your septic tank system, they may confuse a piece of PVC pipe for a bone and chew it all up.

Building a Fence is Bad as Well: Even though building a fence will cover up your septic tank, you really need to keep an eye on how deep you put the fence posts in. If the posts go too deep into your soil, they could cause a lot of harm to your septic tank plumbing and have a huge negative impact on how the waste flows through it. Also, if the posts are placed in the drain field, it can compact the drain field and make it useless.

Grow a Vegetable Garden: Having a vegetable on your property is a great way to have fresh vegetables for you and your family. They can also make your yard look very pretty. It is not a good idea to grow a vegetable garden to cover up your septic tank pumping system though. The waste from your system can easily travel into your vegetable garden before it is treated, which will cause your vegetables to become contaminated.

Put Heavy Things on the Top of It: Items that weigh a lot such as lawn ornaments, gazebos, automobiles, and heavy machinery should never be put on top of your septic tank pumping system. These items can put pressure on your system and cause a lot of damage to it. Also, if they are put on top of the drain field, these items will compact the soil, which, in turn will damage the flow of the drain field.

Do Plant Grass Around the Lid: It is never a good idea to plant grass directly on top of your septic tank lid due to the fact that it will make maintaining it a lot harder. However, if you grow tall grass around your septic tank system in Callahan, FL, it will successfully conceal your septic tank lid without upsetting your beautiful landscape.

Do Put a Lightweight Lawn Ornament on Top of It: Heavy items should never be placed on the top of your septic tank pumping system. However, lightweight items that you can easily remove when needed is a good idea to conceal your septic tank on your property at your home in Callahan, FL. Some of these lightweight lawn ornaments include: statues, birdbaths, and potted plants. Not only will they cover up your septic tank, they will make your property look a lot prettier.

Rocks Are a Really Great Idea: Rocks that made to make your landscape prettier are a perfect way to conceal your septic tank. A mobile rock garden is a good idea as well. Due to the fact that they are temporary and can be easily moved around, they will not be in the way when you need to have your septic tank pumping system serviced at your home in Callahan, FL.

Create a Mosaic Lid Cover: Another option that a lot of people use to conceal their septic tank is to create a mosaic lid cover. Instead of concealing the septic tank, it adds color to it to make it look better. To create a mosaic lid cover for your septic tank, you can use small tiles on the concrete lid and it will look visually appealing and help your lid stand out nicely on your property.

Paint the Lid: If none of these ideas for concealing your septic tank are attractive to you, you can also paint its cover. Painting the lid, the same color as the color that surround it will make it blend it without upsetting any of its functionality. This option is a quick and easy solution to improve the look of your septic tank system.

Wine Barrels Can Be Wonderful: An old wine barrel can be cut in half and filled with flowers or turned upside down. It is a pretty alternative to a fake rock cover and it will also help make your yard look very attractive.

If you follow these dos and don’ts of concealing your septic tank, not only will your septic tank be concealed, it will also make your garden look very beautiful. Just do not forget to add any permanent things to cover up your septic tank, so you will easily be able to get to it when it is in need of maintenance or any type of repair. For all of your plumbing needs call Bert Norman’s Plumbing at 904-225-5888.

A newly remodeled bathroom looks fantastic and increases the value of the home considerably. 5-Benefits-of-a-Newly-Remodeled-Bathroom-_-Tips-from-Your-Jacksonville,-FL-PlumberIt keeps the residence looking up-to-date and improves how functional the room is to use. Hiring a plumber in Jacksonville, FL, who specializes in remodels, is highly beneficial for many reasons.

To better understand what we mean, we’ve included five of the most notable benefits that come with working with a professional opposed to DIYing it. Unless you’re skilled at removing fixtures and installing vanities, you should let a professional handle the job for you.

What an Upgraded Bathroom Does for the Home

One of the areas of the home where a remodel counts in Jacksonville, FL most is in the bathroom. It’s a high-traffic room that deserves an upgrade. If it’s been years since the bathroom has seen new fixtures, it’s time to start considering it a priority to be fixed.

Five benefits of a newly remodeled bathroom in Jacksonville, FL include:

  1. It looks fantastic. A beautifully renovated bathroom is something you take note of right away. It looks modern and attractive. The fixtures gleam. The shower and bathtub are spacious. There’s a vanity large enough to keep all the bathroom essentials in one place. Its appearance complements the rest of the home. When the bathroom looks great, it helps the other rooms of the house look good, too.
  2. It works better for your family. When you bought the home that you live in, you may have had no say on how it was laid out. You purchased it as is and learned quickly what its disadvantages were. After trying to use the bathroom as a family, you see the home’s shortcomings and why it’s so essential to hire a professional in Jacksonville, FL to remodel the space to make it look and feel better for your family.
  3. It removes dated fixtures. If you’ve updated other rooms in the home, the bathroom must look modern, too. Swapping out old fixtures does the trick quickly. It makes the oldest décor look better. Consider the value of new chrome in the bathroom. Its shiny appearance is hard to miss.
  4. It makes it more functional to use. A bathroom that you have had updated works better. No longer rust or broken parts are making it difficult to use. The toilet, sink, and bathtub operate the way that it is supposed to. There isn’t cold water coming out when you turn the hot water knob.
  5. It raises the value of the home and makes it easier to sell. The less a person has to remodel themselves once they’ve bought a new home, the better. They’re not out any extra money to make the bathroom the way that they want it. Instead, they’re content with the remodel that you’ve done, which makes the home more valuable in their eyes. They’re willing to pay more for a move-in ready home than one they need to put some serious work in.

A professional can help you achieve your remodeling goals quickly. Rather than waste time and resources trying to tackle a job that’s too big for you to do your own, you hire a professional to do it right the first time. You’re not stuck trying to fix a bigger problem that you created yourself because you weren’t sure how to do a repair or installation.

Qualities You Will Find in the Best Plumbers

Finding the right plumber to do the job for you doesn’t need to be a difficult task. The best professionals possess certain qualities. Their professionalism is never debatable because they take their jobs very seriously.

So, how do you know that you’ve chosen the right plumber company to work with? It’s easy. They make you feel valued from the moment you make your first inquiry with them. They take the time to get to know your request and answer any questions you might have about the remodeling process.

They come to your home to take a look at the bathroom you currently have, so they have a good idea of what needs to be done to upgrade it. The plumber goes the extra mile to make things as convenient as possible for you while they work on your project, too. The last thing they want to do is make things difficult for you at home while they’re working on your bathroom.

The level of skill, expertise, and professionalism demonstrated by the plumber is far beyond what you hoped for and expected. They treat you, your family, and your home with the utmost respect. They’re also the first to let you know if they’ve run into any problems while working on your project.

That way, if there is an extra cost, you know about it without being surprised by an additional bill. When the plumber finishes the job that they’ve agreed to complete for you, they thank you for your time and for being a valued customer of their plumbing business. They also let you know that they’re available to assist you with your future remodeling and plumbing needs.

When they leave, they provide you with information necessary for keeping your newly renovated bathroom in good working order. You do not need the plumber’s services right away because of a problem that occurred in their absence. You also know what signs to look for if something isn’t working the way it should following the remodel so you can call and ask for help right away.

Let Us Exceed Your High Expectations by Providing You with Excellent Service

Contact Bert Norman’s Plumbing, Inc. today to schedule an appointment. You can use the online scheduler found on our website or call (904) 225-5888. Letting a company representative know what you have in mind for your remodel allows them to relay the message to the right person. The plumber that comes to work on your home will then know precisely what you were hoping to receive in terms of services provided.

Your toilet can’t speak. It can’t tell you to stop flushing random 10-Things-You-Shouldnt-Flush-Down-the-Toilet-_-Tips-from-Your-Yulee,-FL-Plumberthings. So today, we’re not here to tell you to only flush what’s supposed to be flushed. Hopefully, you already know what is! We’re here to speak on behalf of your plumber in the Yulee, FL area. Here’s what you should never flush down your toilet.

Remember, with each flush, you’re using up almost three gallons of water. Make sure that you’re not wasting water by flushing the wrong things. If you do, it’s best to call a professional in the Yulee, FL area.

Do you want to make sure you’re not flushing any of these things down your toilet? Do yourself a favor and go through this list:

1.    Flushable Wipes

Names can be deceiving. Sometimes people can say things they don’t mean. Similarly, some makeup and baby wipes claim to be flushable. We suggest you refrain from risking the damage caused by flushing them down the toilet. They are usually not biodegradable and can clog up your toilet. When there’s a trash can nearby, use it. It’s a much safer alternative.

2.    Diapers

While, we’re on the topic of baby products, one thing you should definitely not be tossing in the toilet is a diaper. They’re big and smelly and your plumber will not be happy to see that you’ve tried to flush it away. A diaper is technically already a portable toilet for your baby anyway. The only sensible decision to make after it has been used is to throw it in the bin.

3.    Floss

You should be flossing twice a day. Once when you wake up and once before sleeping. Your toilet, however, does not need to floss. So please don’t throw your floss in there. It may seem like it isn’t a big deal at first, but floss bunches up over time and will lodge itself in your bathroom plumbing. It can also get caught with more gunk and create a huge mess.

4.     Cat Litter

Humans and cats are meant to use different toilets. If you find yourself flushing kitty litter down the toilet, stop before your plumber has to buy you a litter box. Cat litter often becomes blobs of solid once it touches water. If you put it in the toilet, chances are it’ll form clumps inside the pipes and clog your pipes.

5.     Food

Waste food and you’ll be labeled a terrible person. Attempt to flush it down the toilet and your plumber will never see you the same way again. Not only is it disgusting to take your food to the bathroom, but trying to dispose of it this way is one of the worst ideas you could have. If there’s ever any extra or unwanted food at home, try dropping it off at the local soup kitchen.

Along these lines, you shouldn’t be getting rid of oil or grease this way either. You may think that you’re only putting liquid in the bowl, just like the majority of things that usually go in there, but you’re not. Oil and any kinds of grease will eventually solidify in your pipes and clog them.

6.    Tampons

It may seem like the easiest solution when you’re in a hurry. As convenient as it may seem, it’s very harmful for your pipes, and you will have to call your plumber to save you. Be responsible when disposing of your tampons or other hygiene products. Wrap them with toilet paper and throw them in the garbage. It may seem like a handful at first, but you’ll get used to it.

7.     Pets

This is as bad of an idea as it is cruel. Animals, especially your pets deserve to be disposed of with as much dignity as anyone else. People tend to throw their fishes in the toilet, but this is going to cause you trouble in the long run. Animals do not break down in the pipes and you will have to call a plumber to unclog the blockage.

This shouldn’t have to be said, but you definitely should not be getting rid of living pets this way at all. Find someone who wants to adopt your pet if you don’t want them anymore.

8.     Medication

You may be wondering what the issue is when medicine also dissolves in your body? Well, although they won’t clog your pipes and be an issue for your plumber they will dissolve into the groundwater and release chemicals into your sewers. This will, over time, become a problem for you too.

The water that runs in our sewers is the same water that goes into the major water bodies around us. The last thing you want is your favorite beaches to become contaminated.

9.     Hair

Hair loss is real and anyone will tell you they hate it too. Do you really want to flush your precious locks down the toilet? Any kind of hair should be thrown into the garbage. Hair can get tangled up with other things in your pipes.

If your pet is suffering from fur loss, make sure you throw their fur away properly too. When detangling your hair from your brushes, try to do it near a garbage can.

10.   Cotton Swabs

You may think these little creatures aren’t going to create any issues for you, but your plumberwill tell you otherwise. Like paper towels and facial tissues, these aren’t made to be put in your toilet. They might not dissolve in the water as easily as toilet paper. Regularly flushing them down the toilet after removing your makeup will lead to a clog in your pipes.

If you are looking for a professional plumber in the Yulee, FLarea, give Bert Norman’s Plumbing of Yulee, FL a call at 904-225-5888 or fill out our online request form.

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